Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Yup i improved on yesterdays log! I barclaysbiked it into work as well :) ha!

This morning ..back on the stationary cycle, and looking forward to my shake. Gym tomorrow and saturday possibly a sunday will see how the weekend takes me :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Ok for real now! I need to get this shit going! I signed up for a 70.3 so NO excuse!!!!

45 min stationary cycle

Breakfast - protein shake

See how i can improve on this :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

My goodness

It's cold! -4 it's hard to get up and hit that. Bike so early all I want to do is stay on bed! Still focus on the end game, straight game face!

50 min on the bike, will follow that with a training session on weights tonight :) nice :) thank you Mr Phenorex! You were very much needed today... Thank goodness it's the weekend these weeks can be knackering! I plan on having a good Friday though :) 4 more sleeps till our new home as well

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2012 new year....

I feel as though I lost track of everything, but this year we need to get back on track!! Size 10 and going down, weight is 63.4kg according to Sunday's weigh in.

Hammered back last night with huge increases! Wicked I'm feeling good I'm feeling strong

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


First week of the diet and on the scales after a few days and down 600g! Will be weighing in tomorrow morning as well to see if there is any improvement since Sunday maybe I am being hopeful. 

Still on wards and upwards! 

Monday was a walk, Tuesday (today) Back and bicepts, Wednesday is a cycle followed by Thursday and then Friday back to weights with the weekend back to cardio and weights. Need to work hard. Keen to burn it all off! Apparently I am 48kg lean mass... not sure what that means!!

Anyway! Keep your eyes peeled I am hoping for more progress :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010 & New Years

It appears, sadly, that I gained 2kg over xmas. My clothing feels a bit tight and I am disapointed with it. I did train almost every day!! what a nightmare.  But maybe all the hard work will pay off??

So Now I am 65.6KG but fitting into a 10, not sure why I am so heavy but fit, need to do my body fat % tonight after gym.

Yesturday I hopped on the bike for 55 minutes then tonight I am training back and bicepts 
Thursday back on the bike
Friday - Chest Tripcets & SHoulders 
Saturday & Sunday - Cardio sundays are almost always running, long distance.

I have worked out my optimum calorie intake following various reading, and have reduce my carlories to 1250 per day obviously the more I work out the more I can eat :)  My goal and hope is to loose 1 pound a week, approx 2kg per month so hopefully one day and this year! I can either drop below 60 or drop my body fat below 20% one of the two.

Hard work ahead of the triathlon season! so lets give it  a go :)


Monday, November 29, 2010

Man down!

I am sadly man down, much to my disgust.... so the last week there has been little to no excise.
The weirdest thing is that I have lost 2 kg's! Not to sure if is because the amount of effort it has taken for me to breath.. or just maybe because I have not been eating so much but I feel a bit smaller... but then I am also off creatine for the week.

So this week, I am going to attempt a work out on Wednesday, chest and tri's however it is all dependant on the current state of my chest... I don't have a chest infection however something is happening with my chest that is not all that good! However there is some go in me this morning which has not been around for a while and I am feeling motivated! If I can just get my diet right this week and put in 4 weeks of effort things should be good.... :)
