Tuesday, January 11, 2011


First week of the diet and on the scales after a few days and down 600g! Will be weighing in tomorrow morning as well to see if there is any improvement since Sunday maybe I am being hopeful. 

Still on wards and upwards! 

Monday was a walk, Tuesday (today) Back and bicepts, Wednesday is a cycle followed by Thursday and then Friday back to weights with the weekend back to cardio and weights. Need to work hard. Keen to burn it all off! Apparently I am 48kg lean mass... not sure what that means!!

Anyway! Keep your eyes peeled I am hoping for more progress :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010 & New Years

It appears, sadly, that I gained 2kg over xmas. My clothing feels a bit tight and I am disapointed with it. I did train almost every day!! what a nightmare.  But maybe all the hard work will pay off??

So Now I am 65.6KG but fitting into a 10, not sure why I am so heavy but fit, need to do my body fat % tonight after gym.

Yesturday I hopped on the bike for 55 minutes then tonight I am training back and bicepts 
Thursday back on the bike
Friday - Chest Tripcets & SHoulders 
Saturday & Sunday - Cardio sundays are almost always running, long distance.

I have worked out my optimum calorie intake following various reading, and have reduce my carlories to 1250 per day obviously the more I work out the more I can eat :)  My goal and hope is to loose 1 pound a week, approx 2kg per month so hopefully one day and this year! I can either drop below 60 or drop my body fat below 20% one of the two.

Hard work ahead of the triathlon season! so lets give it  a go :)