Monday, September 27, 2010

not going to well!

So last week wasn't too bad but as the week went on it wasn't too good! I only had 2 sessions last week APPAULING! The diet was good then it gor to Friday and it all went out the window. 

Think with Stress with work and everything else going on around, it affects things.  I seriously need to get back on it.  Today is hard after having a lax weekened almost feels like detox because I am reducing my carbs and calories.  Then I am off to the gym tonight for an extra week session! 

Bike trainer should come this week! cross fingers! and then I can get 2 sessions of cardio in a week in the morning, think that will help a lot as well :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Just a reminder!

I need to look at these to remember!! not to eat the chocolate cake!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Still going!

yesturday was a good day with more chicken and rice! and a 50 minute cardio session
however today hasn't been that good but then again it is not TOO bad because I am back down the gym tonight with a back and bicepts workout!!

I am sluggish today, I think that is down to the crappy lunch.

Try again tomorrow :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ok! Chicken & Rice + some other stuff....

Day 1 of chicken and rice was partly successfully, however I am not body building so I have had to put in some variants to keep going.

Breakfast was porridge, however I am sure this will turn to something else as soon as I get some meal plans together, maybe put in a couple of egg whites in there.

Snack was PhD Whey loss shake with 2 scoops in water,

Lunch you guessed it chicken and rice! and it was bland.  Chose to use basmati, 1 because that is all we had and 2 because it is lower in Gi.

Snack 1 scoop PhD in water

Dinner, Chicken in a lovely lentil veg soup, which was really nice (Thank you Joss!!)

Work out:

3 x 15 Reps Bench Press 10kg
3 x 15 Reps Incline 3kg (don't laugh!)
3 x 15 Reps Decline 5kg

3 x 10 reps Bench dips
3 x 30 push downs

no real cardio but I work in London and did a lot of walking yesterday.  Weigh in on Sunday so see if any progress following this week and my appalling weigh in previous Sunday of 62.7kg!!!!

Day 2... lets see how well we get on... :)

On a bit of a downer think because of the reduction of food... oh yes and on my second cup of green tea mmmm, however I would recommend tea pigs
 for green tea, think I will order some day as it is pay day!! my fav being the Jasmin pearls

Feeling good though, aside from being a bit down!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 1 - Chicken and Rice!!

Ever since I have been a little girl I just want to loose weight, never been one of these ultra skinny women simply down to the fact .. I LIKE MY FOOD! That's important to me, however I am pushing past the 30 threshold now and post baby, I would really like to put my toosh into a nice pair of jeans I had on when I was 19.

Soooo, after I had my son I progressed from a pregnant size 14/16 to a standard size 16/18.  Think it was part post traumatic stress and a lot of additional problems really help me sought solice in food.  And that is exactly what I did.  Not long after that I developed severe health anxiety thinking I was going to drop down dead at any minute due to a brain bleed or my heart would just suddenly stop!

Well several 10km, 1 half marathon and 4 Triathlons later I am still going... Brilliant! However it hasn't always been so easy.

I started running in July 2007, after seeing a picture of me which nearly made me fall out of my chair at the time.  I was appalled at myself, as a teenager, and I am sure some people can agree with me.. especially women.  You NEVER think you look as skinny as you are... so I spent my time as a teen in a size 6/8 (UK) 32-34 (South African), looking back at my photographs I was tiny. 

In 2000, my then boyfriend and I moved to England, I went up to a size UK 10 then gradually onto a 12.  When I got married at 21 in 2001, I was a 12. Then moved up to a 14.  We were having a ceremony in South Africa in the Feb the next year so I went on a gym mad fad and went to a size 10.  Looking back at those pictures, I wish I had gone smaller.  You see I am short, just shy of 5ft2 in old money, so weight shows...

Anyway back to 2007 and the running, I was 80kg, 13 stone when I started this journey and now I am 60kg 2 years later, I am trying to get to 55kg and that illusive size 8 maybe even a 6 but all my efforts are slowing down due to bad habits etc.  I gym 4/5 times a week still I cannot push past the 60 barrier which I have been for the past 8 months.... Hard times calls for hard measures!  So hence the title... Chicken and rice, cause from now on till Christmas it's chicken and rice time baby!!!

Me just after the birth of my son.

60kg's in Feb