Monday, November 29, 2010

Man down!

I am sadly man down, much to my disgust.... so the last week there has been little to no excise.
The weirdest thing is that I have lost 2 kg's! Not to sure if is because the amount of effort it has taken for me to breath.. or just maybe because I have not been eating so much but I feel a bit smaller... but then I am also off creatine for the week.

So this week, I am going to attempt a work out on Wednesday, chest and tri's however it is all dependant on the current state of my chest... I don't have a chest infection however something is happening with my chest that is not all that good! However there is some go in me this morning which has not been around for a while and I am feeling motivated! If I can just get my diet right this week and put in 4 weeks of effort things should be good.... :)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Change in direction

Well I sought some information... so looking to change of tactic! With some help and  guidance I am looking to focus on strength training and cut down on the cardio.  Not going to worry to much on diet, by all means keep it tight, and legs go for it.

Have a set of suppliments that am going to try, hopefully manage a bit more sleep :) and will hopefully update

Thursday, November 4, 2010



The last few weeks have been hard.  I fell off the wagon sadly due to a bad week.  However!! There is help and in form of the wonderful husband and his continued motivation and belief in me it's back on the wagon!

Last few days have been good both weight, eating and cardio wise.  At no stage have I stopped working out which is important, think I was just getting despondent.

Still onwards and upwards.  I have recently stuck up a picture of my hero Oksana Grishina next to my desk for inspiration :)

No pain no gain hey! so keep working it